The New Folklore: Lyrical Tales for Dreamers & Thinkers is a collection of seven stories written by musician Teague Alexy and beautifully illustrated by artists from across the country: The Wisdom of King Joe Colli, Old Lady Truth, The New Tune of Elijah Swoon, Three Little Fish, How Lefty Stepanovich Turned Water Into Wine, Teufelo's Tongue and Old Rickety Bridge. Alexy's modern folktales are told in the tradition of being nonsensical on the surface with strong underlying truths. Filled with humor, lively characters, clever rhyme schemes and wordplay, The New Folklore provides entertainment and deep insight for young and old. For information on musical versions of these stories performed by Teague Alexy & The Feelin Band (featuring Nicholas David) and information on Teague's band Hobo Nephews of Uncle Frank stay tuned to
“Teague's penchant for storytelling and turning phrases in his music shines through in The New Folklore: Lyrical Tales for Dreamers & Thinkers,” says Curtis Weinrich of publisher North Star Press. “The stories are delightful and entertaining for all ages, and, like all good folklore, hold a wealth of wisdom hidden just below the shiny surface. The illustrations are a feast for the eyes and the music for the ears, but the stories are clearly intended for the heart and soul.”
The New Folklore: Lyrical Tales for Dreamers & Thinkers is available at: