THIS DANCE, Front Cover
Release Date April 17, 2012
CD / Digital
The Raggedy Hat of John Henry
Riding On A Ferris Wheel
The Palm of a Pretty Girl's Hand
Quarter to Four
Some Kind of Fool
Old Souls and Scarecrows
All the Way Long Gone
I Will Shovel Your Doorway
Rotten Old Way
For When All Your Friends Have Gone
THIS DANCE, Back Cover
This Dance is a rootsy singer/songwriter album. It is also a personal and poetic gut-examination of a romantic in a very real world. Recorded in the basement of a Minneapolis warehouse on Sunday afternoons over a two year period, almost all of the instruments were played by Teague and producer Erik Koskinen.
"His new album is a deeper examination of the world....a timeless feel paired with modern content and romantic, meaningful lyrics"
-HIGH PLAINS READER (This Dance review)
"...deep and meaningful lyrics....a sense of timelessness to it. It’s almost as if this album were released 30 years ago or 30 years from now, it’d still hold it’s own."
- DULUTH READER (This Dance review)